St. Anne's Youth Ministries

Repent and be faithful to the Gospel
Ash Wednesday begins the Christian observance of the forty days of Lent. During Lent we focus on the Passion of Christ, His suffering and death. Lent prepares us for the joy of Easter and the celebrations of the resurrection of Christ. We are a resurrection people. We commemorate the suffering and death of Christ with joy and the knowledge of His rising from the dead.
Ash is placed on the forehead of the faithful on Wednesday, the first day of lent. This is an ancient Christian custom of humility. We admit of our sinfulness and proclaim our desire to repent and follow Christ. This is an evangelical witness of faith. This isn’t the kind of prideful boasting which Jesus condemns in the Gospel of Matthew 6:1-18. The ashes are to remind us that we are sinners. The cross reminds us that we have a Savior.
The wearing of the mark of faith may be an occasion for you to be mocked or scorned. This will only make you grow closer to Christ and his own suffering. Others may ask about the meaning of the mark. This will provide you with an opportunity to witness your faith in Christ. God bless you as you go forth.

Join Us
Join us as we begin this Lenten Journey Together
On Wednesday, March 5th students from th confirmation and Sr. High Youth programs will gather for a night of reflection, prayer, as well as stories of grace from a few of our high school students. Doors open at 7:30 PM. This event is for students only.